Into the Woods Read Online Kim Harrison the Hollows

Into the Wood: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond

Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond (The Hollows series #10.1) by Kim Harrison

(2012) ~ Collection of shorts an dnovellas from the Hollows / Rachel Morgan series (#10.1) past Kim Harrison.


  • ane Genre and Sub-Genres
  • ii Clarification
  • 3 Supernatural Elements
  • iv List of Stories
  • 5 Synopsis past Story
    • 5.1 Stories Beyond the Hollows:
  • 6 Author
  • seven Comprehend Artist
  • 8 Publishing Information
  • 9 Cover Blurb
  • 10 Starting time Sentence
  • eleven Quotes
  • 12 Trivia
  • 13 External Links
  • 14 See Likewise

Genre and Sub-Genres [ ]

Urban Fantasy

Clarification [ ]

✥ Into the Wood is a compilation of all the previously published Hollows shorts and novellas, and so if y'all're notwithstanding scratching your caput over who Fine art is and why is Daryl important to Ivy, now is your risk to discover out in one volume. But since I'thou non one to be content with the erstwhile, I put together another novella from Trent'southward POV of his "elf quest" to rescue Lucy from the Withons. ~Kim Harrison's Hotter Than Hell

✥ A true queen of urban fantasy - the New York Times bestselling author of the wildly popular series featuring bounty hunter witch-turned-daywalking demon Rachel Morgan - the phenomenal Kim Harrison explores the Hollows more than securely than always earlier in Into the Woods, her first collection of short stories. Rachel is hither, as are Jenks the pixie, elven tycoon Trent Kalamack, and an unholy host of vampires, demons, shapeshifters, ghosts, and other assorted supernatural beings, friends and foes. Into the Forest combines original work, including a new Hollows novella, as well as all of Kim Harrison'southward previously published curt fiction gathered together in ane volume for the very showtime time. No truthful Hollows aficionado will desire to pass this upwardly. ~ Fantastic Fiction

Supernatural Elements [ ]

Witches, pixies,throws, vampires, banshee, banshee babe, dryads (tree spirits), ghost, ghost of a witch, elves, familiar, Druid, nymph, spirit, demon, familiar, ley lines, powers to manipulate free energy, realm parallel to humanity, statue possessed by an evil force...

  • "Throw": a person who tin can manipulate energy; can throw and command electricity or similar power


  • The Strand: either teach the "Throws" how to control their powers or burn them out to foreclose a danger to club.

Listing of Stories [ ]

Story Title Pg Serial and Society # Previously Published Supes Lead(southward)
"The Bespelled" p3 Hollows #half dozen.1? Outlaw Demon Wails #six demon, familiar, Ceri, Al
"Two Ghosts for Sister Rachel" p19 Hollows #5.5 Holidays are Hell #5.5 father'due south ghost, ghost of a witch Rachel, Robbie, Pierce
"Undead in the Garden of Good and Evil" p103 Hollows #2.five Dates From Hell living-vampires, vampires, Kisten, Ivy, Fine art
"Dirty Magic" p181 Hollows #four.five Hotter Than Hell banshee, banshee babe, Mia, Tom
"The Bridges of Eden Park" p201 Hollows #5.4 For a Few Demons More than #5 vampires, , , Kisten, Audric, Rachel
"Ley Line Drifter" p221 Hollows #7.5 Unbound pixy, Druid, nymph, Ley Line Jenks, Bis, Vincet, Sylvan the Druid
"Million-Dollar Baby" p287 Hollows #10.i (original story) Elves, Pixies Trent Kalamack, Jenks, infant Lucy, Ellsbeth
"Pet Shop Boys" p369 Not Hollows none vampire-fae, realm parallel to humanity, Cooper, Felicity
"Temson Estates" p403 Not Hollows none dryads Will Temson
"Spider Silk" p419 Non Hollows none spirit: a dryad bound to a tree Lilly, Penn,
"Grace" p465 Non Hollows none "throw", manipulate energy Grace

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Synopsis by Story [ ]

"The Bespelled" (p 3) — originally in The Outlaw Demon Wails — Hollows #6.i?

✥ This quick, nine page read, gives united states of america the backstory of how Ceri became Al's familiar. It seems that dissimilar whatsoever other would-be familiar he has brought across the lines, Ceri was willing to go. After vii years of summoning Al, she had fallen in honey with him. And he seemed strangely enamoured of her as well. Though it was not plenty to go on him from breaking her will and torturing her for g years.

❖ Algaliarept is a busy homo, and he would rather not be doing paperwork, merely he finds himself at his desk, quill in hand doing just that until he gets summoned by Ceridwen, a Dulciate elf he has been seeing every week for the past seven years, and he wants cipher more than than to entertain her. Al is in his earlier mental mode of using everyone he came into contact with. He is a truly distressing character with simply thoughts of what he wants in life, rather than of other people. He has no concept of sharing his life with another, and equally he has his own familiars and slaves, he can simply understand others in these terms. Withal he is a demon, so it's to be expected, though even he has the possibility of changing. When things don't go so well for Al, Ceri sees him show a side of him that she has never seen before; he is almost drastic to keep her his, only he tries not to show her whether information technology is plain lust or love. You tend to become the impression he doesn't know annihilation of dear, as that is essentially how a demon would recall, and could never process what true love is. ❖

"2 Ghosts for Sister Rachel" (p 19) — originally in Holidays are Hell — Hollows #5.5

✥ We get a blast from Rachel'southward by in this novella. It takes place when she is just 18 years-sometime and has decided she wants to bring together the I.S. Her big brother Robbie is against the program, sure she is not strong enough. Only he agrees that if she can practice a spell to ask their male parent'southward ghost –and he gives his approval– Robbie will support her. When Rachel does the spell, though, she brings forth the ghost of a witch named Pierce, who hunted evil vamps over 100 years ago. He speedily realizes that a vampire he in one case hunted is kidnapping girls in the present twenty-four hours. He and Rachel work together to bring him down and save the child. This story gives us a chance to encounter Rachel while she still feels the furnishings of her illness. But she already has that fire nosotros love about her.

❖ Anybody has an idea of what they desire to exercise with their lives, and Rachel is an independent girl who wants to practice as she pleases now she is an adult, simply her female parent and blood brother have dissimilar ideas about what is expert for her, and as she is then independent, she doesn't like them messing in her business. Rachel wants to join the Interland Security (IS) as she doesn't think she is cutting out to live a normal life flipping burgers or working in a store—she'southward tried both and they didn't impress her one bit, so she sees the IS equally a way out, but her female parent and brother encounter a unlike kind of future for her where she tin become more than merely a woman out catching felons for a living. Her brother can't sympathize why Rachel wants to exist so agile with martial arts instead of being a top notch witch in her field, but her female parent does. This story gives the reader a good idea of what kind of daughter Rachel is in the face of danger. She feels weak and strives to get strong, and it is this that defines the graphic symbol. ❖

"Undead in the Garden of Skillful & Evil" (p 103) originally in Dates From Hell — Hollows #2.5

✥ Ever wonder what Ivy was like before she met Rachel? We get a little peek in this short story. It's set a couple of years earlier the events in Dead Witch Walking. Ivy has been a Homicide Investigator at the I.S. for well-nigh half-dozen months. She is living with Kisten and they are in a relationship. This is before her blood-fast… she is nevertheless giving and taking blood. Only she is very confused about what it means to her. She tries not to equate a blood substitution with anything emotionally meaningful, unless information technology involves sexual intimacy. And her dominate, Fine art, wants both from her. If she doesn't give in, he'll never promote her. But she doesn't like the human and if she gives in, it will exist a huge blow to her self-respect. It shows us the Kisten/Ivy relationship that has been referenced all along in the serial. It shows us the events that lead to Ivy abnegation from blood and gives us a better insight into her struggle with what her vampiric needs mean for her. And it introduces Fine art.

❖ Ivy Tamwood works at the Interland Security department, she is making use of her degree in a great job, but she is having dirty thoughts most Kisten, which she would rather not have being a vampire working the homicide sectionalization. In Harrison'south work her vampires are divide into two types, living and undead. It is an original accept on the myth, and one that works well in this story. There are ones like Ivy who are born with the vampire virus embedded into their genome, so she has the vampire strengths and none of the hatred of sunlight, crosses or garlic etc., while undeads have all the failings of existence vampires lusting for blood, and are jealous of the living vampires. This is more of a vampire evolution tale than the catechism thought of vampires from Bram Stoker'south Dracula. ❖

"Dingy Magic" (p 181) — originally in Hotter Than Hell — Hollows #

✥ This story doesn't directly involve any of the main characters in the Hollows, just instead, focuses on a banshee named Mia. We met her in "Undead in the Garden of Proficient & Evil," when she was called in to help with a instance Ivy was working on. She was the one who helped Ivy realize should could change her life. And we learn here what happened to that wish Rachel gave Ivy in Dead Witch Walking. She gave it to Mia. The banshee has since gone on to ally and have a banshee baby named Holly. And now, she is having an thing with a human named Tom. She is soaking up his dearest like a sponge, simply in the process she is killing him. Tin her wish requite her the lasting human relationship no banshee has ever been able to maintain? –This story is well-nigh thirty pages.

❖ Banshees don't characteristic much in paranormal fiction, allow solitary romance fiction, but Mia is a Hollows Banshee and we outset go an thought of what she is like from this story. She is thinking almost her life, her husband, her lovely daughter and her by with Remus who certainly picked on the incorrect woman with her. Mia takes ability from others, and has to be careful how she does it, every bit it is a frail balancing act of taking power and keeping that person alive. She bathes in their mixed emotions, drinking them in, and making herself experience improve again. Her human relationship with Tom isn't as easy for when they meet; she drains him of his life-force, making him weak and worse nonetheless, very ill. He loves her, fifty-fifty though she can't forgive herself. She wants to exit him alone then he can alive, equally other men have died from being likewise long in her presence, but she knows she needs him just as much as he needs her. The idea of her staying there with him is that dear can conquer all, but sometimes this ideal manner of life doesn't get the way she thinks. ❖

"The Bridges of Eden Park" (p 201) — originally in For a Few Demons More than #5 — Hollows #?

✥ This short story is well-nigh Kisten and Rachel after the tragic finish of For a Few Demons More. It's probably set chronologically, just before that volume'south beginning. Our couple is having a picnic at the park, when they are interrupted by Kisten's sister and his nephew, Audric. The child's father is trying to kidnap him and sends thugs to get the job done. Kisten and Rachel work together to stop them.

Chrissie and Kisten are out one 24-hour interval when their quiet time together is shattered by the vampires who are trying to snatch Audric from the school yard. These vampires know what they want, and have come for him, and his sister is in danger because of it. Through the story you never think of Kisten as just a vampire, he is a human being with special powers, who also has deep emotions, the ability for love and forming attachments to people similar anyone else. He too has a special friendship with Audric and does not want to see him get into the incorrect hands of some deviant and every bit powerful vampire leader. Kisten and Chrissie could exist the perfect couple, only as readers will find out, other parts of his life go along getting in their manner. ❖

"Ley Line Drifter" (p 221) — originally released in Unbound — Hollows #

Jenks gets his very own story in this novella. Another pixy comes to him, request for assist when a statue in his garden seems to be possessed by an evil force. The statue is endangering his babies and he doesn't know what to do. And so Jenks and Bis come to the rescue. It turns out that it'due south a Druid trapped in the stone… and a nymph has been tasked with keeping him bound there. Jenks struggles to determine who is the good guy and who is the bad, so he tin help the young pixy family unit in need. It was great to see things from Jenks' perspective while we get a closer wait at pixy culture. Somehow, I recall we'll see Sylvan the Druid again someday.

❖ Jenks idea his twenty-four hours would be an ordinary one until Vincet strolls into his life asking for help. At first he points him to Rachel but Vincet insists he wants him to help him, not anyone else. He has a problem where he is living. Information technology'south in a park he thought was goddess made and his family unit is in great danger if they stay there and worse danger if they leave as his family take younglings and they would die if they had to travel any altitude to discover another place to stay. When the killer turns out to be zero more than a statue, Jenks is at a loss as to how something fabricated of stone could exercise such a thing. "Ley Line Drifter" is a story that keeps the reader on the very edge of their seats, and rather than beingness a standard tale of pixies, it keeps the reader focussed on the darker side of the Hollows, but as well the friendship that Vincet and Jenks have made in a brusque infinite of time. ❖

"Million Dollar Baby" (p 287) — Chronicles Jenks and Trent Kalamack's adventure in Seattle following the events of Pale Demon.

✥ An exciting adventure following Trent and Jenks on their mission to reclaim Trent's baby daughter. The story is told from Trent's perspective but there are enough of contributions from Jenks to go along the story calorie-free whenever Trent's introspective, angsty self-examinations get as well much. It's a dangerous mission for Trent, since the but options are success or certain death at the hands of Ellasbeth's family, and he needs all of his and Jenks' skills to keep him one stride alee of Ellasbeth and her many henchmen.

✥ This tale is alluded to in either Stake Demon or A Perfect Blood, but we never practice find out the details of how Jenks and Trent got Trent's daughter Lucy away from his ex-fiancée, Ellasbeth Withon, and her family. Very action-packed, and since it was told in third person limited to Trent's point of view, we get some important data about him. Trent does he does to salvage the elves—he'due south done some pretty terrible things, and he really wishes he hadn't washed all of them. He fears he is turning into his father, who was a very talented merely ruthless human. He fears his daughter volition never dearest him if he continues on the aforementioned path he has been on. He wants to be a better man. And Jenks is an amazing backup for Trent hither. ❖

Stories Beyond the Hollows: [ ]

"Pet Shop Boys" (p 369)

✥ This brusque story is set in a world where vampires and the Fae live in a realm parallel to humanity. Cooper, a xx-something pet shop employee finds out about their existence the hard way. It all starts when a foreign immature girl (Felicity) and her beautiful female parent enter his shop to purchase a true cat. The woman invites him to an exclusive club where he quickly discovers all is not every bit it seems. There is something sinister behind the ratio of beautiful people to boilerplate-Joe's. Tin can he become away or was his fate sealed the moment he entered the door?

❖ Cooper is nigh to get off his shift at the pet shop when a young girl comes in and takes a fancy to one of the dogs, and wants to swap it for her bat. Cooper is shocked at this until her female parent appears and offers to give Cooper a night to recall. Cooper tin't believe his luck or refuse her as she is a beautiful woman, but his going to her dwelling comes with a cost. Felicity is not what she appears, and that is what gives this story its amuse and mystique, as with every moment Cooper sees her he grows ever fonder for spending fourth dimension with her correct up to a betoken where all he wants to do is get out. ❖

"Temson Estates" (p )403

Volition travels across the ocean to claim his inheritance when his grandfather dies. Information technology's a huge plot of forest and he realizes he tin can sell the land for logging. He could really employ the coin to help in his life. But his grandad's sister has other ideas. She knows there are dryads (tree spirits) inhabiting the forest. And then she sets out to assist him learn the truth about the family unit state. ❖

"Spider'south Silk" (p 419)

✥ For her entire life, Lilly's female parent has told her stories of the spirit Penn that lives in the trees. It wears the guise of a fellow, hoping to lure girls into the woods for his own nefarious ends. Her female parent says she trapped Penn within a tree in her youth, merely now he'south back and he is targeting Lilly'due south daughter. Lilly initially thinks her mother is crazy, but as the story progresses, she becomes less and less sure. Then, it seems Penn has set his involvement on her. Is she strong enough to fight his lure, when he knows exactly what she needs?

✥ Dryads are the fairy people at the cadre of this story, and the identify they alive in isn't what they would telephone call a decent abode, but a prison of a identify that tin can stifle their commonly pleasant lives. Meg is heading for a strange time when she reaches xx and the expletive is passed onto her. As a story it shows how she handles the trouble of growing upward, and the stress that come up with it. ❖

"Grace" (p 465)

✥ It'due south championship character is a "throw"—a person who can dispense energy. Her task is to collect young people with the same abilities, so that her employer, The Strand, tin either teach them how to control their powers or burn them out to prevent a danger to guild at large. The story follows Grace on a particularly tough run, ane that will test her skills and her moral compass. Making an already hard situation worse is the re-emergence of an old flame into her life.

✥ Boyd and Grace are on a mission to get an older child. They want to initiate him into the Strand, simply before this happens, the kid has to already brandish unusual abilities such every bit telepathy, ESP, or telekinesis. Either way it has to exist seen past those in the know to be a strange ability to humans, or almost considered impossible to them. These two take the task of finding them and bringing them in, just information technology doesn't e'er go well for them, and the boy in question isn't one to go without a strong fight. They need to appraise the kid's ability and whether he tin can control his powers. If he can't, they will either take him back and aid him with that control, and he will accept a steady job working for the Strand like Boyd and Grace, or if he refuses help, they will take away his powers from him forever if they believe he is a threat. The story shows how Grace feels when she is on her missions collecting those who would be a threat or useful to the Strand. She feels for each private, as does her partner, only they try to hibernate it, as she has her ain past problems to deal with if she intends to look to the future. ❖

~ Sources:

  • (Red Hot Books) review of Into the Woods ~ GR
  • The SF Site Featured Review: Into the Forest
  • Into The Woods – Love Vampires
  • This is the end…of my posts well-nigh Kim Harrison's Into the Woods | Postcards From Purgatory

Kim Harrison

[ ]

Kim Harrison

  • Website: Kim Harrison's web site
  • Genres: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult

Bio: Kim Harrison, dark urban fantasy writer of the New York Times best selling Pale Demon, was born and raised in the upper Midwest. After gaining her bachelors in the sciences, she moved to South Carolina, where she remained until recently moving back to Michigan considering she missed the snow. She'south currently developing a young adult series betwixt working on the Hollows books and a Hollows-based graphic novel, and is a member of both the Romance Writers of America and The Scientific discipline Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. When not at her desk, she'south most likely to be found landscaping her new/sometime Victorian home, or scouring antiquarian shops to fill up information technology. ~ Kim Harrison ~ FF

Cover Artist [ ]

Artist: Larry Rostant — Source: Encompass: Into the Woods: ISFdb

Publishing Information [ ]

  • Publisher: Harper Voyager
  • Volume Page: Into the Woods - Kim Harrison - Hardcover
  • Book data: Hardcover, 513 pages, Publ: Oct 12th 2012—ISBN: 0061974323
  • Book data: Paperback, 513 pages, Publ: July 2nd 2013—ISBN: 0062197630

Cover Blurb [ ]

For centuries, the woods have been a pivotal part of the wonder and danger of fairy tales, for in one case y'all enter annihilation can happen. Elves, druids, fairies –who knows what yous will find once you dare pace into the forest?

And now, New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison ventures into these mysterious, subconscious lands of magic and mystery in her first brusque-story drove. Into the Woods brings together an enchanting mix of make-new, never-before-published stories and tales from Harrison's dear, bestselling Hollows serial.

The tales here include an original Hollows novella, Million-Dollar Babe, about Trent Kalamack's secret elven quest in Pale Demon; two original curt stories, "Pet Shop Boys" and "Temson Woods," that explore only what happens when humanity and the supernatural collide; and two novelettes, "Spider Silk" and "Grace," prepare in new worlds of imagination and chance. Into the Wood also contains all of the previously published Hollows short stories – together in i volume for the very first fourth dimension. ~ Dear Vampires and Goodreads and Harper Collins

First Sentence [ ]

Paperwork, Algaliarept thought in resignation as he blew gently upon the ledger book to dry the ink faster. ~ "The Bespelled" #6.1?

Quotes [ ]

"Familiars were known for their loose tongues until you cut them out. It was a practise Algaliarept frowned upon. Most of his brethren were encarmine plebians. Removing a familiar's natural language completely ruined the nuances of their pleas for mercy." — Algaliarept
"'Nosotros've been out of the closet for about forty years.' His lips parted. 'Out of the closet?' A smiling came over my face. 'Sorry, we came clean, uh, we told them we existed after a virus hiding in tomatoes, a sort of a plague, started killing humans. It dropped their numbers past almost a quarter. They were going to find out most us anyway because we weren't dying.' Pierce watched my moving pes and smiled with half his confront. 'I've ever been of the listen that tomatoes were the fruit of the devil', he said." — Rachel

~ Shelfari

"He was an creative person, and destroying her every bit he made her into what he wanted, would exist his finest masterpiece."
"They say when yous're ten, you think your parents know everything. At sixteen, you're convinced they know nothing at all. By thirty, if you haven't figured out they really did know what they were doing, then y'all're nevertheless sixteen."
"You can alive above your fate," she mocked. "Y'all tin be who you desire to exist."
"I'chiliad all right," she said, squinting from the morning sun. "I similar who I am today."
"She shouldn't be here this soon, but the memory of his love was like the odour of flowers, begging to be inhaled and irresistible."
"Yous wait similar a sorority sis in hell week with that disbelieve sail around yous! What is that, a one-fifty thread count? My three-year-former can weave better than that."

~ Rainy Day Ramblings

Trivia [ ]

  • Lists That Contain Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Across (The Hollows, #10.1) by Kim Harrison ~ Goodreads

External Links [ ]


  • Kim Harrison's Hotter Than Hell ~ Author
  • Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond (The Hollows, ~ GR
  • Into the Woods (Rachel Morgan / Hollows) by Kim Harrison~ Fantastic Fiction (FF)
  • Publication Listing~ ISFdb
  • Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and... (The Hollows) by Kim Harrison~ Shelfari
  • Into the Woods - Kim Harrison - Hardcover
  • FictFact - Volume Details for Into the Forest ~ Fictfact
  • Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Across by Kim Harrison | LibraryThing~ LibraryThing

Excerpts and Freebies:

  • Book Web Sampler : Into the Woods | Hardcover
  • Browse Within Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond past Kim Harrison
  • Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond - Kim Harrison - Google Books


  • The Hollows, and Then Some: Into the Woods past Kim Harrison |
  • Dark Urban Fantasy: Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond - Kim Harrison
  • ▶ Literature Book Review: Into the Wood: Tales from the Hollows and Across past Kim Harrison - Video Dailymotion


  • The SF Site Featured Review: Into the Woods
  • Kim Harrison's Into the Wood | Postcards From Purgatory
  • Book Review: Into the Woods past Kim Harrison - Literally Jen
  • Fangs For The Fantasy: Review: Into the Wood past Kim Harrison
  • Release Day Review: Into the Woods (The Hollows) | All Things Urban Fantasy
  • Into The Wood - Tales from the Hollows and Beyond : Book Review
  • Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Across –Your Urban Fantasy Weblog
  • Into The Forest (Hollows & Beyond) | Confessions of a Fiction Fanatic
  • A Book Obsession..: Early on Review: Into the Woods by Kim Harrison
  • a Groovy read: ARC Review--Into the Woods by Kim Harrison
  • Into the Woods: past Kim Harrison - Rainy Twenty-four hour period Ramblings
  • Review: Into the Woods: by Kim Harrison | volume'd out
  • Review: Into the Woods (The Hollows #10.1) | (un)Conventional Bookviews
  • Fiction Book Review: Into the Forest past Kim Harrison ~ Publisher's Weekly
  • Library Daughter Reads & Reviews: Into The Forest past Kim Harrison
  • INTO THE WOODS by Kim Harrison | Kirkus
  • Over the River and Into the Wood | Forgotten Realms Queen

Story Reviews:

  • PET SHOP BOYS (The Hollows) by Kim Harrison-a review | The Reading Cafe
  • The Bespelled-Kim Harrison | Wicked Reads


  • Q&A with Kim Harrison (Into the Woods) | Suzanne Johnson


  • Omnivoracious: Kim Harrison on "Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond"
  • Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy, PNR: Cover Reveal: Into the Woods
  • Waiting on Wednesday #6 ~ Into the Wood by Kim Harrison | My ParaHangover


  • Larry Rostant - Summary Bibliography

Kim Harrison Bibliography:

  • Kim Harrison's Books ~ Author
  • Kim Harrison ~ FF
  • Kim Harrison - Summary Bibliography ~ ISFdb
  • Kim Harrison (Author of Dead Witch Walking) ~ GR
  • FictFact - Kim Harrison author ~ FictFact
  • Kim Harrison | LibraryThing

Kim Harrison Series:

  • The Hollows series by Kim Harrison ~ Goodreads
  • The Hollows Series ~ Shelfari
  • Rachel Morgan / The Hollows - Series Bibliography
  • Madison Avery Trilogy ~ Goodreads
  • Goodreads | The Hollows Graphic Novel serial by Kim Harrison


  • Kim Harrison's spider web site
  • Kim Harrison's Drama | Blog
  • Goodreads | Kim Harrison (Author of Dead Witch Walking)
  • Kim Harrison Writer Page


  • (3) Kim Harrison - FB
  • [https://world wide

See Also [ ]

  • Hollows series
  • Kim Harrison
  • Short Stories from Hell series
  • List of UF Anthologies — UF Anthologies
  • Listing of PNR Anthologies and Collections— Unmarried Author Collections and PNR Anthologies
  • Blood Lite series
  • Short Stories from Hell series
  • Mammoth Romances series
  • 2014 UF Release Schedule
  • List of Vampires of Urban Fantasy
  • Listing of Cover Artists
  • Urban Fantasy Links


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